PRESS CONTROL DIVISION Allegheny Electric’s main business is the design and installation of press controls for the powder metal, lumber, and metal stamping industries. We are a [...]
Electrical Security
admin2023-04-25T12:17:28+00:00Automation Division Industrial growth in the current and future economies depends on manufacturers achieving the efficiencies produced by automation systems and control. Th [...]
Lighting Work
admin2023-04-25T18:04:31+00:00Service Division Allegheny Electric System’s service division has a simple goal: to keep your press control and automation control equipment up and running. In fact [...]
Electrical Install Jobs
admin2023-04-25T17:42:35+00:00CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Allegheny Electric Service’s Construction Division provides, installs, and maintains all materials, wiring and equipment needed for industrial and commerci [...]
Emergency Calls
admin2017-06-17T02:58:33+00:00EMERGENCY CALLS Proin eget velit quis lorem euismod pulvinar. Phasellus lobortis tellus dignissim metus varius volutpat. Integer a lacus mauris. SERVICE INFORMATION Quis [...]